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New Treatment Alert! Say HELLO to the HydraFacial!

HydraFacial Brisbane

If you are a self-care Queen who regularly frequents Skin Clinics, the HydraFacial will already be on your radar, but to those who have not yet heard about the HydraFacial treatment, allow us to blow your mind.

At Beauty On Latrobe, we have our manicured finger firmly on the pulse of all things EPIC when it comes to improving the health and appearance of your skin. So after careful consideration (and plenty of sampling, hello work perks) we felt the HydraFacial certainly deserved a place in our line-up of skin treatments.

So, let’s get you acquainted with the ultimate game-changer now available at our Brisbane Skin Clinic, the HydraFacial.

What is the HydraFacial Treatment?

The HydraFacial is a hydro-dermabrasion, skin resurfacing treatment that promises the best skin of your life in 30 minutes, and girl, does it deliver!

Broken down into three affective (and deeply satisfying steps), the HydraFacial treatment simultaneously cleanses the skin, dislodges, and extracts gunk from pores and restores moisture, drenching the skin and serums designed to treat and repair the skin. YES PLEASE!

The treatment combines advanced skincare and revolutionary technology to deliver next level results that will have you hooked. Because the HydraFacial is so gentle, it is safe on all skin types, tones, and textures unlike its more abrasive, very distant cousin, the microdermabrasion. Like a Microdermabrasion, without the discomfort, the downtime or any subsequent redness, the HydraFacial gently resurfaces the skin, removing any congestion in its wake.

How Does It Work?

HydraFacial uses a patented spiral tip that can simultaneously exfoliate, clear blocked pores and deliver nourishing serums. Vacuum technology and serums create a vortex effect to easily dislodge and remove impurities including dirt, sebum, dead skin cells and daily grime while simultaneously introducing hydrating skin solutions with potent antioxidants. The multi-step treatment uses water pressure as the exfoliating medium. It incorporates a vacuum-like technology that opens pores and extracts #GUNK from the skin.

The best part? At the end of the treatment, your Dermal Therapist will show you the container, filled with what was collected during the extraction component of the treatment. Even clients who are vigilant with their at-home skin regime are shocked to discover what is still hanging out deep within their pores. It’s gross, and equally SATISFYING! And we are here for it!

The Three Steps

The HydraFacial is broken down into three simple, affective steps.


Uncover a new layer of skin with gentle exfoliation and relaxing resurfacing.

Step one of the HydraFacials uses the patended tip and HydraFacial Serums to deeply cleanse the skin and deliver a gentle but thorough dermabrasion. This prepares the skin for a Skin Peel that further exfoliates the skin but most importantly, it softens the pores for the deep extraction that comes next.


Remove debris from pores with painless suction. Nourish with intense moisturisers that quench skin.

Vacuumed technology is then implemented to gently yet effectively remove debris from the skin and draw out impurities through gentle suction. You can physically see the dirt at the end of your treatment, revealing just how much daily grime remains on the skins surface and in the pores despite regular cleansing and at-home treatment. Even intact blackheads can be seen in the waste-jar.


Saturate the skin’s surface with antioxidants and peptides to maximize your glow.

Last, but certainly not least is to Fuse and Protect. This step delivers Serums to seal and protect the skin. The Serums can be tailored to suit your own individual skin concerns.

Who will benefit from the HydraFacial?

The Answer: Everyone!

Men and women with an array of skin concerns will be thrilled with the results from the HydraFacial treatment.

  • Dry Skin
  • Fine Lines and Wrinkles
  • Enlarged Pores
  • Uneven Skin Tone and Texture
  • Pimples and Acne Prone Skin
  • Pigmentation

The first thing you will notice after a HydraFacial Treatment is the way your skin feels. Not a pore in sight and smooth as a baby’s bottom! The next, the unmistakable HydraFacial GLOW from the quenching serums and hydration.

Your skin will feel instantly refreshed, rejuvenated, and replenished.

The HydraFacial does it best work when indulged in regularly. When it comes to skin there is rarely one single treatment that offers long lasting results so regular HydraFacial appointments are encouraged to maintain results.

Spoil yourself today!

The HydraFacial is not just a facial, but an experience.

Are you ready for the best skin of your life? WE ARE! Spoil your skin with the absolute best in advanced skin treatments and get acquainted with the HydraFacial. Glowing skin guaranteed. Book a HydraFacial with Beauty on Latrobe today!

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